
Average EPS Estimate Current Year

Unit: Dollars

The average Earnings Per Share estimate for the current in-progress year.

Dividend 1‑Year Chg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The percentage between the last paid dividend and the corresponding dividend 1 year earlier.

Dividend 3‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound dividend growth for the last 3 years based on the last paid dividend and the corresponding dividend 3 years earlier.

Dividend 5‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound dividend growth for the last 5 years based on the last paid dividend and the corresponding dividend 5 years earlier.

Dividend 10‑Year Avg (%) (Premium)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound dividend growth for the last 10 years based on the last paid dividend and the corresponding dividend 10 years earlier.

EBITDA 1‑Year (%) (Premium Plus)

Unit: Percentage

The change in EBITDA over the last 4 quarters vs. the 4 quarters that proceeded them.

EBITDA 3‑Year Avg (%) (Premium Plus)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in EBITDAover the past 3 years.

EBITDA 5‑Year Avg (%) (Premium Plus)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in EBITDAover the past 5 years.

EBITDA 10‑Year Avg (%) (Premium Plus)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in EBITDAover the past 10 years.

Eps QoQ Change (Premium)

Unit: Percentage

The quarter over quarter change in EPS between this quarter and the same fiscal quarter one year ago.

EPS 1‑Year Chg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The change in diluted continuing Earnings Per Share (EPS) over the last 12 months. EPS is calculated as net income less dividends paid on preferred stock divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

EPS 3‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in diluted continuing Earnings Per Share (EPS) over the last 3 years. EPS is calculated as net income less dividends paid on preferred stock divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

EPS 5‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in diluted continuing Earnings Per Share (EPS) over the last 5 years. EPS is calculated as net income less dividends paid on preferred stock divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

EPS 10‑Year Avg (%) (Premium)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in diluted continuing Earnings Per Share (EPS) over the last 10 years. EPS is calculated as net income less dividends paid on preferred stock divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

EPS Actual Last Fiscal Year

Unit: Dollars

The actual EPS from the last fiscal year.

EPS Current Year Chg (Est.%)

Unit: Percentage

The percentage change in EPS implied by the average analyst estimate of the current year’s EPS versus the prior fiscal year.

EPS Next Year (Est.)

Unit: Dollars

The average of analyst estimates of Earnings Per Share (EPS) for the next fiscal year.

EPS Next Year Chg (Est.%)

Unit: Percentage

The percentage change in EPS implied by the average analyst estimate of next year’s EPS versus the in-progress fiscal year.

Expected Dividend Growth Rate

Unit: Percentage

The growth rate between the forward dividend per share and the trailing dividend per share.

Forward Dividend Growth

Unit: Percentage

The percentage change in dividend per share implied by the forward yield vs. the trailing 12 month yield. This is highest when a company has just announced a dividend increase.

Operating Income 1‑Year Chg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The change in operating income over the past year as a percent.

Operating Income 3‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in operating income over the past 3 years.

Operating Income 5‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in operating income over the past 5 years.

Operating Income 10‑Year Avg (%) (Premium)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in operating income over the past 10 years.

Sales QoQ Change (Premium)

Unit: Percentage

The quarter over quarter change in sales (or revenue) between this quarter and the same fiscal quarter one year ago.

Sales 1‑Year Chg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The change in sales over the last 4 quarters vs. the 4 quarters that proceeded them.

Sales 3‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in sales over the past 3 years.

Sales 5‑Year Avg (%)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in sales over the past 5 years.

Sales 10‑Year Avg (%) (Premium)

Unit: Percentage

The average annual compound change in sales over the past 10 years.

Grades & Scores Income Statement