Create a New Portfolio

There are five ways you can create a portfolio from scratch. Each method is outlined below. You can also create a portfolio by importing a CSV file or by connecting your brokerage house. Importing a CSV file is discussed in the section that follows. To learn about connecting your Stock Rover portfolio to your brokerage account, see our Brokerage Help. The five ways to create a new portfolio from scratch they are with the Portfolio manager, by trading a stock in the Table, by saving the Table as a portfolio, by saving all tickers with the same tag as a portfolio, or in the dashboard. Every time you create a portfolio, you will have the option of selecting a start date for the portfolio, which will allow the Portfolio Analysis facility to track your portfolio’s performance. Note that Essentials members can only track simple portfolios without history (portfolios that are simply a list of current positions), while Premium and Premium Plus members can add or import a history or portfolio positions or trades.

#1 With the Portfolio Manager

There are a couple ways to reach the Portfolio Manager, one way is to select Portfolios in the grey selector menu and then right-click on ‘Portfolios’ in the Navigation panel and select ‘Create Portfolio’.


The other option is with the portfolio selected, go to the Actions Menu at the top of the table and then select ‘Create Portfolio’.


You will be prompted to either enter positions for your portfolio, to import a portfolio, or connect to your brokerage. Click the ‘Enter Positions’ in the middle, and you will be brought to the Portfolio Manager.


In the manager (shown below), you can edit the name and description of the portfolio in first red box. In the second red box, you change the ‘Position as of’ date.


When you edit positions, you are editing the list of positions on any given date (the date selected where it says ‘Positions as of’). By default, the selected date will be today or the most recent trading day. Change the date to enter positions on a historical date. Each date you enter positions for is called a “date record.” You can then click Add Shares and enter in the ticker symbol, a quantity, and cost per share, as well as your cash position, seen in the screenshots below. The ‘Cost Per Share’ box will always show the current price of the ticker (if the start-date is the current date), or the closing price of the ticker on the selected date. See below for an example of this. If you want to enter multiple date records, you will first have to create the portfolio after creating one date record by clicking ‘Update’ and then return to the portfolio editor.



#2 By Trading a Stock in the Table

The second way to create a portfolio is to right-click any stock in the Table and select ‘Trade in Portfolio’ from the drop-down menu.


This will bring up a window that allows you to trade the stock into an existing portfolio, or into a new portfolio. Click the ‘New’ button and you will be able to name the portfolio, choose if you want to buy or sell the stock, choose a starting date for the portfolio, as well as add in the quantity and buy price. Click the ‘Adjust Cash’ box to have the cost or purchase automatically reflected in the portfolio’s cash position.


#3 By Saving the Table as a Portfolio

The third way to create a portfolio is by saving all of the stocks listed in the Table as a portfolio. To do this, click the ‘Actions’ button in the Table’s toolbar, mouseover ‘Save As’ from the drop-down menu, and choose to save the table as a portfolio.


This will bring up the following window, where you can name your portfolio and add a buy date For further editing, click the ‘Customize’ button, which will bring you to the Portfolio Manager.


#4 By Saving Tagged Tickers as a Portfolio

The fourth way to create a portfolio is to save a set of tickers with a common tag as a portfolio. To do this, right-click any stock in the table, mouseover ‘Tag,’ and click ‘Manage Tags.’


This will bring you to the tag manager. Select a tag on the left to display the tagged tickers on the right. Then, click the ‘Save’ button in the top-right and choose to save the tagged tickers as a portfolio.


#5 In the Dashboard

The dashboard has the ability to create new portfolios as seen in this dashboard help section.

Import a New Portfolio