Customizing the Dashboard

The Dashboard can be customized to suit your needs. You can decide which of your portfolios are displayed in the dashboard. You can also create and manage your portfolios via the dashboard. For free users, this is the only place for performing portfolio management.

The screenshot below details how to select the portfolios you want to have displayed in the Dashboard. The portfolios you select will be included in the top section of the Dashboard, which displays aggregate performance of your selected portfolios compared to the DJIA, S&P 500, and Nasdaq. They will also be the portfolios included in the chart and detail sections in the lower part of the dashboard.


The dashboard has portfolio management capabilities. As you can see in the two screenshots below, portfolios can be created by clicking on the Actions button or clicking the portfolio folder and selecting ‘Create Portfolio’. For more information on creating portfolios, please see our portfolio help.


Management for your portfolios is performed by right clicking on an existing portfolio or by hovering on over the portfolio and clicking on the down arrow that appears on the hover. Either action will display a new menu, which is highlighted by the red box in the image below. The menu allows you to do a variety of operations on your existing portfolios, including updating your portfolio positions. This can be achieved by either manually editing your positions or by importing a new positions file from an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file. You can also rename, copy or delete any of your portfolios. Portfolios can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.


As seen in the screenshot below, Stock Rover gives you the ability to select the data displayed in the dashboard. The Market Movers table has options to display stocks based on Most Actives, %Gainers, or % Losers. The drop down box in the upper left allows you to select which index to view, and the time range can be set to preset ranges of 1 Day, 5 Days, 1 Month, 3 Months, or 1 Year.

The Sector Performance table to the right of Market Movers displays return and 52 week ranges for each sector for the time period specified at the top of the Return column. To change the time period, click on the time period (“5 Days” in the screenshot) to display a drop down menu of additional time periods.

quotes box location

The Dividend Adjusted Return and Value over Time charts in Portfolio Charting allow you to select portfolios and view their performance as a group. The portfolio selection menu is available by clicking on the link to the right of the “Portfolio Charting” label. Clicking on the menu link to the left of the Dividend Adjusted Return chart label allows you to select benchmark Indices.

quotes box location

The Portfolio Performance and Current Holdings chart both have dropdown menus to the right of the labels, and will display performance of individual portfolios and performance of individual portfolio holdings for the selected time period.

The Current Holdings table also has the ability to group by sector or equity type as well sorting on the columns in the this table. See the screenshot below. To sort click on the pull down arrow on the specific column.

Dashboard sorting

This table also has the ability to auto-resize the columns by clicking the icon circled in the screenshot below.


What’s in the Dashboard