Handling Buy Dates

By default the buy date for the holdings are set to the date you connect to the brokerage or import your holdings. We have a few ways to get your portfolios loaded into Stock Rover.

  1. Manually enter positions. You can find more info here.
  2. Import from a brokerage file. You can find more info here.
  3. Connect directly to your brokerage. Click here for more details.

Even though the buy date is set to the current date by default, our performance analytics can still be run. We simply calculate things as if the holdings were owned before the buy date so you can get useful historical information.

If you would like to get an exact history and have your actual buy dates, then you will have to manually enter this info or import the data from your brokerage.

The process would be to start with a clean portfolio and import the oldest brokerage statement and change Position As of date to the date of that brokerage statement. The other option is to manually enter the holding with the oldest date and then to manually add the history for each ticker using the History tab for each ticker under the Update Portfolio window. Click here for more detail on how to adjust portfolio history.

Then after setting the history correctly you can then link your portfolio to the brokerage if you want to have the updates done automatically going forward. Click here for more detail on how link portfolios.

Handling Cash Change Portfolio History