Organize Screeners in Folders

You can organize your screeners into different folders, where each folder can represent a different group of screeners. To enable screener folders, go to your user name in the top right corner and in the drop-down menu select the ‘Preferences’ item.


In the window, check the box to enable screener folders.


Now all of your screeners will be in a ‘Default’ folder in the Navigation panel. You can right-click this folder to rename it.


To create more screener folders, right-click ‘Screeners’ and select ‘Create Folder’ from the drop-down menu or with the screeeners selected in the Navigation panel go to the Actions menu, select ‘Screeners’ and then select ‘Create Folder’. After giving it a name, it will appear under ‘Screeners’ in the Navigation panel.


From here, you can just drag and drop the screeners into the different folders. You can also drag and drop the folders themselves to rearrange the order. Now when you click ‘Screeners’ in the Navigation panel, you’ll be able to see the summary of each of the screener folder groupings displayed in the Table, as shown below.


Delete a Screener Screen Current Table