Create a Watchlist

There are several ways to create a watchlist in Stock Rover. You can search for ‘Create Watchlist’ in the Search bar, or right-click ‘Watchlists’ folder in the Navigation panel and select ‘Create Watchlist’ from the drop-down menu.

right-click on watchlistsright click on watchlist

Another way to create a watchlist is with the watchlists selected in the panel, go to the Actions menu on the top right of the table, then select ‘Create Watchlist’.

right click on watchlist

After doing either of these two steps, you will be brought to the Create Watchlist window. Here you can change the name, add a description, and add tickers to the watchlist. To add tickers, enter either the ticker symbol or company name in the Search Box and select the appropriate ticker from the auto-fill suggestion menu.

the watchlist manager

You can also create a watchlist by right-clicking on a stock in the Table, mousing over ‘Add To Watchlist’ and selecting ‘New’ from the drop-down menu. Please note that you can add several stocks to the watchlist at once by holding down the shift key to highlight multiple tickers.

right-click on stock to make new watchlist

This will bring up a window where you name and create the new watchlist.

quick box for new watchlist

You can also save all of the tickers displayed in the Table as a watchlist. To do this, click the ‘Actions’ button in the Table’s toolbar, mousoever ‘Save As’ and select ‘Save Table as Watchlist.’

Save Table as Watchlist

This will bring up a window where you can name the watchlist. To further edit this watchlist, follow the ‘Click to Customize’ link which will bring you to the Watchlist Manager described above.

quick box for new watchlist

Watchlist Overview Import a Watchlist