Updating Linked Portfolios

Once linked, a portfolio in Stock Rover can be modified. You can edit several fields in the event that Yodlee does not import the correct info. To do this, right-click on your portfolio and select View Portfolio. This is will display the window which contains all your holdings. To view the history you can click on any ticker.


Clicking the ticker opens the history tab of the ticker and will display the initial position, current position and all the history of the ticker. If you need to make an adjustment on the quantity, cost per share, basis and value you can edit the values as seen in the screenshot below by clicking into cell. If you need to remove any history you can click the x next to the line you want to remove. The initial position and the current position lines can not be removed.


If you need to add any new history, you can do this by clicking the New Row button in the bottom left of the window. This will display the window below, where you can select either Edit Position or Enter Trade then enter the date, quantity and cost per share.


Also in the event Yodlee makes an error and puts a known ticker as an asset, the following steps can be taking to change the asset into a stock type.

From the navigation panel under Portfolios, right-click on the portfolio and select ‘View Portfolio’.

If you need to make a change to your Asset, click the edit button next to the ticker as seen in the first screenshot.


This edit button will bring up a window where you can enter the correct ticker, as seen in the screenshot below. Once this change is saved, this correction will take effect immediately, the portfolio screen will refresh and show the ticker under stocks and the asset line will disappear.


The Asset Corrections button will now render when these manual corrections exist and here is where the corrections can be removed, see the screenshot below.


Here is the window that appears when Asset Corrections is clicked and to remove a correction click an x next to the correction you want to remove.


Linking Portfolios Delete Portfolios