Markets Overview

Markets contains summaries, current status, and news for Stocks, ETFs, Bonds, and Commodities, and provides Daily Analyst Ratings. Selecting a market area in the grey selector menu at the top of the page will filter the contents to focus on that area. The default page is a Market Summary overview.

Note: There is also a more in-depth discussion of the full capabilities of Markets in a separate Markets blog post.

Index performance is listed at the top of all Markets pages. As seen below, selecting an index in the table will populate the chart to the right with the performance of that index over time.

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The next section down contains data relevant to the selected market area. For example, selecting Stocks will provide information on stocks that have had significant activity on the market, or selecting Bonds will provide US Treasury Bond Rates and US Municipal and Corporate Bond ETFs.

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The last section of Markets displays the News related to the selected market area. As seen below clicking on More Feeds provides the ability to select different news feeds.

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Markets Summary