Charting Fundamentals

To chart fundamental data, such as the Price/Earnings ratio or Operating Margin, click on the ‘Fundamentals’ button at the top of the chart panel. From the menu that appears, you can search for one of the 100+ chartable metrics to chart, chart a metric from your recently searched list, or chart a metric package, which allows you to chart more than one fundamental metric at once. The fundamental data for the charted tickers will appear in a smaller chart below the main chart.


While you can only chart one fundamental at a time if you select from the recently searched list, you can use ‘Save as New Metric Package’ feature to create groups of fundamental metrics that will be charted together. To do so, select the metrics and click the ‘Save as New Metric Package’ (shown above) and give the package a name (shown below).


It will then create a new package listed under Metric Packages as seen below.


Then when you select the package it will graph them as shown below. Note Metric Packages apply only to the primary ticker in the chart.


If you are charting one metric and comparing multiple tickers, the fundamental chart will include the tickers being compared in the main chart.


Ratio Charts Chart Options