
To change your preferences, go to the dropdown menu with your account name found in the top righthand corner of the Stock Rover screen. Select the Preferences menu item.

Preferences allows you to change settings for the following items:

Tooltips shows detailed information about an item on mouse hover over the item. Items can be tickers in the table, chart legends, and items such as screeners, portfolios or watchlists in the Navigation Panel.

Layout allows you to add or remove cell borders in the table. Cell borders creates vertical lines between columns in the table, creating more of a separation effect.

Prompts will give you an extra prompt before you abandon an action you are in the midst of, when abandoning that action may result in lost work. We recommend enabling this option.

Folders allows you to create folders within folders in the navigation tree, so for example you could have three folders under the portfolio folder, such as Investment Accounts, Income Accounts and Retirement Accounts and then have your individual portfolios placed in the appropriate folders.

Auto Refresh automatically updates the prices of all tickers in Stock Rover when you are logged into Stock Rover and have been inactive. Note prices are automatically updated when you are active and generating requests to Stock Rover.


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